Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are a major concern in Bangladesh, transmitting diseases like dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya.

Stagnant water sources like puddles, drains, and poorly maintained canals provide ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Urbanization and population growth create more suitable breeding environments.
Mosquito-borne diseases cause more than a million deaths each year, exceeding any other animal threat.

Our mosquito control solutions create a safe and enjoyable environment for your family.

Our professional mosquito control offers a comprehensive and long-lasting solution to keep your family and property protected:

★ Trained technicians of our company identify the specific mosquito species and their breeding grounds, enabling a more targeted approach.
★ They go beyond just killing adult mosquitoes. They address breeding sites and implement strategies to prevent future infestations.
★ Experienced professionals handle everything, giving you back your yard and peace of mind.

Snake Control

Snakes can be fascinating creatures, but encountering them unexpectedly in your home or yard can be unsettling.

Bangladesh is home to a diverse snake population, with 70 to 90 different species. While some snake names vary locally or their colors change, encountering a variety of these reptiles is possible.

While not all snakes are venomous, some can pose a threat to humans and pets. Trained professionals have the expertise and equipment to safely capture and relocate snakes.

Our Expert Snake control services offer a safe and effective solution to remove unwanted reptiles and prevent future encounters.

◘ They have the knowledge and experience to handle different snake species safely and effectively.
◘ They use proper equipment and techniques to minimize risk to themselves, you, and the snake.
◘ They prioritize the snake's well-being while ensuring your safety.
◘ They handle the entire situation, leaving you with a snake-free environment.